The 10th Global Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Transformational Leadership and Inovation for Business Sustainability
The 10th GCBME is open to a range of relevant topics
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Organizational Development, Innovative Business Models & Organizational Change, Knowledge Management, Best Practices to Manage Human Capital, Future Directions for HRM Research, Global Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Technology in Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Competency Mapping, Compensation, Employer Branding, Employee Motivation, Organization Structure, Leadership, Organization Theory
Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Innovation and Technology Management, Design of Goods & Services, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Product and Process Innovation, Quality Management, Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain, Operations Research, Project Management, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma Initiative, Green Technology, Logistic Management, New Product Development, New Service Development, Inventory Management, Plant and location, Service Operations Management, Global Operation Management, Technology and Information System management
Marketing Management
Advertising Management, Fundamentals of Marketing, Assessing Marketing Performance, International Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Service Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Marketing Innovation and Planning, Delivering Customer Value, Direct Marketing, E-Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Customer Service and Customer Relations, Sales Strategies, Marketing Research, Marketing Data Analysis, Marketing and International Consumers, Marketing Theory and Application, Marketing Case Studies, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, Consumer Behavior
Financial Management and Accounting
Corporate Finance and Governance, Cost Management, Finance & Investment, Financial Markets and Institution, Capital Budgeting, Capital Market, Credit Risk Modelling and Management, Financial Engineering, Foreign Exchange Markets, Law and Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mutual Funds Management, Portfolio Management, Regulations of Financial Markets, Venture Capital, Accounting and Finance, Behavioral Accounting and Finance, Electronic Banking, Electronic Finance, Financial Markets and Derivatives, Financial Services Management
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Approaches and Models of Strategic Management, Challenges to Strategic Management, Corporate Strategy Formulation Approaches, SWOT Analysis and Carrying Out Business Strategy, Types of Business Competitive Strategy, Types of Cooperative Strategy, Situational Analysis for Strategic Planning, Problems of Global Strategy, Problems in Implementing Growth and Retrenchment Strategies, Relationship of Management by Objectives and Strategic Management, Relationship of Total Quality Management and Strategic Issues, Leadership and Leading Types for Effective Strategy Formulation and Implementation, International Strategic Performance Measurement, Strategic Issues in Managing Technology and Innovation, Categories of Innovation for Proper Strategy Formulation, Role of the Entrepreneur as Strategist, Operations and Supply Chain Strategy

Call for Papers
All accepted papers will be published by Atlantis Press by Springer Nature. All articles get a digital object identifier (DOI). The proceedings list and ordering in scopus indexing And Selected papers following double-blind review process will be invited for publication in Proceeding Indexing by Part Springer Nature is a global open access publisher of scientific, technical and medical (STM) content which was founded in Paris in 2006 , Thomson (ISI) Web of Knowledge [CAB Abstracts], Scopus and, Google Scholar.
Selected papers following double-blind review process will be invited for publication in:
Name of Journal | Publisher |
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences | Ram Arti Publishers |
Knowledge-Based Systems | Elsevier |
Management Journal Of Contemporary Management Issues | University of Split - Faculty of Economics |
Business Strategy and the Environment | Wiley-Blackwell |
South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH) | Jacobs Verlag |
Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis | Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
Heritage and Sustainable Development | Research and Development Academy |
Meet the Speakers
GCBME is brought to you by the most brilliant minds in business and education

Important Dates
Pricing for The 10th GCBME 2024
PresenterIDR 3.000.000*Billed Upfront,
IDR 2.000.000/additional paper
ParticipantUSD $150*Billed
PresenterUSD $250*Billed Upfront,
$150/additional paper
Author can upload by logging in to our submission system. Payment receipt can be downloaded directly
from your account once your payment is confirmed by the committee.
Example “Yudistira ABS 001”

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