PPT Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Toru Matsumoto, M.Eng, Ph.D.
ASSOC. Prof. Ts Dr. Razali Hassan
Prof. Dr. Agus Rahayu, M.P.
Organized by:

Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GC-BME) is an annual conference hosted by Business Management Education Program, Faculty of Business and Economics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Ever since the first time it was held in 2016 by UPI, GC-BME has covered a broad range of topics on business, economics and entrepreneurship.
GC-BME 2019 will be held on August 08, 2019 in Bandung , Indonesia. The aim of GC-BME 2018 is to provide a platform for academician, educators, researchers, practitioner, managers, graduate students, and entrepreneurs from different cultural backgrounds to present and discuss researches, developments and innovations in the fields of Business Management and Entrepreneurship. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and implementation experiences, to establish business or research connections and to find global partners for future collaboration.
All full papers submitted to GC-BME 2019 should be written in English, and will be sent to at least two reviewers and evaluated based on its originality, technical and content quality, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, as well as its readability. Accepted papers will be proposed to be published in a reputable publisher and will be submitted for further indexing to SCOPUS and Thomson Reuters WoS. All articles get a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Aim and Scope
The UPI Global Conference on Business, Management and Entreupreneurship of 2019, covers up seven major thematic groups. Within each groups, several topics will be subject of discussion. Yet it is open for another relevant topics:
A. Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Organizational Development, Innovative Business Models & Organizational Change, Knowledge Management, Best Practices to Manage Human Capital, Future Directions for HRM Research, Global Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Technology in Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Competency Mapping, Compensation, Employer Branding, Employee Motivation, Organization Structure .Leadership, Organization Theory.
B. Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Innovation and Technology Management, Design of Goods & Services, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Product and Process Innovation, Quality Management, Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain, Operations Research, Project Management, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma Initiative, Green Technology, Logistic Management, New Product Development, New Service Development, Inventory Management, Plant and location, Service Operations Management, Global Operation Management.
C. Marketing Management
Advertising Management, Fundamentals of Marketing, Assessing Marketing Performance, International Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Service Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Marketing Innovation and Planning, Delivering Customer Value, Direct Marketing, E-Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Customer Service and Customer Relations, Sales Strategies, Marketing Research, Marketing Data Analysis, Marketing and International Consumers, Marketing Theory and Application, Marketing Case Studies, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, Consumer Behavior.
D. Financial Management and Accounting
Corporate Finance and Governance, Cost Management, Finance & Investment, Financial Markets and Institution, Capital Budgeting, Capital Market, Credit Risk Modelling and Management, Financial Engineering, Foreign Exchange Markets, Law and Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mutual Funds Management, Portfolio Management, Regulations of Financial Markets, Venture Capital, Accounting and Finance, Behavioral Accounting and Finance, Electronic Banking, Electronic Finance, Financial Markets and Derivatives, Financial Services Management.
E. Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Approaches and Models of Strategic Management, Challenges to Strategic Management, Corporate Strategy Formulation Approaches, SWOT Analysis and Carrying Out Business Strategy, Types of Business Competitive Strategy, Types of Cooperative Strategy, Situational Analysis for Strategic Planning, Problems of Global Strategy, Problems in Implementing Growth and Retrenchment Strategies, Relationship of Management by Objectives and Strategic Management, Relationship of Total Quality Management and Strategic Issues, Leadership and Leading Types for Effective Strategy Formulation and Implementation, International Strategic Performance Measurement, Strategic Issues in Managing Technology and Innovation, Categories of Innovation for Proper Strategy Formulation, Role of the Entrepreneur as Strategist, Operations and Supply Chain Strategy.
F. Green Business
Business Ethics, Consumer Protection, Environmental Protection, Green logistics
G. Economic Education
Keynote Speakers
Venue and Activities
Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.269-275, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
Contact the Hotel:
Tel. +62-22-82000000
Important Dates
• Deadline of abstract submission : 29 May 2019 (extend until 15 June 2019)
‘• Information of abstract acceptance : 31 May 2019 (extend until 17 June 2019)
• Deadline for paper submission : 17 June 2019 (extend until 19 June 2019)
• Information of full paper acceptance : 17 June 2019 (extend until 22 June 2019)
• Deadline for payment : 10 June 2019 (extend until 23 June 2019)
• Conference day : 8 August 2019
Call for Papers
Authors are requested to submit abstract to the Organizing Committee by 29 May 2019. The papers should be written in English and must be between 4 to 5 pages.
Indexed by: ![]() ![]() |
Abstract and Manuscript Submission
[IMPORTANT] To submit an abstract, authors must register first (click here). Then they can submit their abstracts by logging in to this site (menu “Submission System” then “Login”). The manuscript (full paper) can be submitted only after authors submit their abstracts. The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and Letter of Invitation (LoI) can be downloaded directly from your account once your abstract is accepted to be presented at the conference.
Full Paper Guidelines
The Proceedings of Previous Conference
Registration Fee and Payment
[IMPORTANT] After making the payment, author MUST upload the transfer proof via this website (NOT Email). Author can upload by logging in to our submission system. Payment receipt can be downloaded directly from your account once your payment is confirmed by the committee.
Please do transfer bank for the registration fee to:
IDR -> Bank Name: Bank Mandiri | SWIFT/BIC: BMRIIDJA
Account Number: 130 00-8660000-7
USD -> Bank Name: Bank Mandiri | SWIFT/BIC: BMRIIDJA
Account Number: 130-00-8770000-4
“Write: (your name) and (code article)” example: “Asriyadi ABS 001”
Visa Information
Official Information about Indonesia Visa can be found here
See here for more information about hotels in Bandung
International Scientific Committee
- Prof. Toru Matsumoto, M.Eng – The University of Kitakyushu- Japan
- ASSOC. Prof. Ts Dr. Razali Hassan – Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) – Malaysia
- Prof. Dr. Ikuro Yamamoto (Kinjo Gakuin University, Nagoya Japan)
- Prof. Dr. Taehee Kim, Ph.D ( Youngsan University , Busan South Korea)
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim, (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia)
- Prof. Madya Dr. Lai Chee Sern (UTHM Johor bahru Malaysia)
- Prof. Madya Dr. Kahirol Bin Mohd Salleh (UTHM Johor bahru Malaysia)
- Prof. Wann-Yih Wu (Universitas Nanhua Taiwan).
- Prof. Dr. Nanang Fattah, M.Pd. ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Agus Rahayu, M.P. ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Tjutju Yuniarsih, S.E., MPd ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Disman, M.S. (UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Suryana, M.S. ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Eeng Ahman, M.S. ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. DR. Ratih Hurriyati, M.P. (UPI, Indonesia )
- Prof. Ina Primiana, S.E., M.T. (UNPAD)
- Prof Lincoln Arsyad, M.Ec, PhD (UGM)
- Prof. Gunawan Sumodiningrat, M.Ec, PhD (UGM)
- Prof Dr Badri Munir Sukoco , Msc, PhD (UNAIR)
- Prof. Dr. H. Nandan Limakrishna , Ir, MM (Universitas Winaya Mukti)
- Dr. Phil Dadang Kurnia, M.Sc. (GIZ German)
- Assoc.Prof. Arry Akhmad Arman, M.T., Dr. (ITB)
- Assoc.Prof. Dwilarso, MBA, PhD (ITB)
- Assoc.Prof. Hardianto Iristiadi MSME, PhD (ITB)
- Assoc.Prof. Rachmawaty Wangsaputra, M.Sc, PhD (ITB)
- Assoc.Prof. Teungku Ezni Balkiah, M.Sc, PhD (UI)
- Assoc.Prof. Ruslan Priyadi M.Sc, PhD (UI)
- Assoc.Prof. Sri Gunawan, MBA, DBA ( UNAIR)
- Assoc.Prof. Yudi Aziz, M.T., PhD (UNPAD)
- Assoc.Prof. Lili Adiwibowo, M.M., DR. (UPI)
- Assoc.Prof. Vanessa Gaffar, MBA, DR. (UPI)
- Assoc.Prof. Chaerul Furqon, M.M., DR. (UPI)
- Vina Andriany M.Ed, PhD (UPI)
- Tutin Ariyanti, S.T., M.T., PhD ( UPI)
Organizing Committee
Undergraduate Business Education and Postgraduates of Business Management dan Doctorate Science Management Program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, in collaboration with APMMI (Asosiasi Pengelola Magister Manajemen Indonesia), APDMI (Asosiassi Program Doktor Manajemen Indonesia) FMI (Forum Manajemen Indonesia) dan ISEI (Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia) Chapter UPI
Conference Chair:
Prof.Dr. Ratih Hurriyati MP, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, INDONESIA
Technical Chairperson:
Assoc. Prof. Lili Adiwibowo Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, INDONESIA
Dr. Hari Mulyadi M.Si.
Dr. Ade Gafar Abdullah, M.Si.
Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu Nandiyanto M.Sc.
Drs. Rd Dian H Utama, M.si.
Drs. Girang Razati, M.si.
Lisnawati S.Pd. MM.
Sulastri S.Pd, Mstat.
MasHaryono S.Pd, MM.
Lisnawati, S.Pd, MM
Website: bme.conference.upi.edu/2019/
Email: gcbme@upi.edu
Business Management Education Program
Faculty of Business and Economics Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung 40154 INDONESIA
Tlp/Faks +62-22-2200-7634
PPT Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Toru Matsumoto, M.Eng, Ph.D.
ASSOC. Prof. Ts Dr. Razali Hassan
Prof. Dr. Agus Rahayu, M.P.
Organized by:

Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GC-BME) is an annual conference hosted by Business Management Education Program, Faculty of Business and Economics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Ever since the first time it was held in 2016 by UPI, GC-BME has covered a broad range of topics on business, economics and entrepreneurship.
GC-BME 2019 will be held on August 08, 2019 in Bandung , Indonesia. The aim of GC-BME 2018 is to provide a platform for academician, educators, researchers, practitioner, managers, graduate students, and entrepreneurs from different cultural backgrounds to present and discuss researches, developments and innovations in the fields of Business Management and Entrepreneurship. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and implementation experiences, to establish business or research connections and to find global partners for future collaboration.
All full papers submitted to GC-BME 2019 should be written in English, and will be sent to at least two reviewers and evaluated based on its originality, technical and content quality, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, as well as its readability. Accepted papers will be proposed to be published in a reputable publisher and will be submitted for further indexing to SCOPUS and Thomson Reuters WoS. All articles get a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Aim and Scope
The UPI Global Conference on Business, Management and Entreupreneurship of 2019, covers up seven major thematic groups. Within each groups, several topics will be subject of discussion. Yet it is open for another relevant topics:
A. Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Organizational Development, Innovative Business Models & Organizational Change, Knowledge Management, Best Practices to Manage Human Capital, Future Directions for HRM Research, Global Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Technology in Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Competency Mapping, Compensation, Employer Branding, Employee Motivation, Organization Structure .Leadership, Organization Theory.
B. Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Innovation and Technology Management, Design of Goods & Services, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Product and Process Innovation, Quality Management, Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain, Operations Research, Project Management, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma Initiative, Green Technology, Logistic Management, New Product Development, New Service Development, Inventory Management, Plant and location, Service Operations Management, Global Operation Management.
C. Marketing Management
Advertising Management, Fundamentals of Marketing, Assessing Marketing Performance, International Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Service Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Marketing Innovation and Planning, Delivering Customer Value, Direct Marketing, E-Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Customer Service and Customer Relations, Sales Strategies, Marketing Research, Marketing Data Analysis, Marketing and International Consumers, Marketing Theory and Application, Marketing Case Studies, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, Consumer Behavior.
D. Financial Management and Accounting
Corporate Finance and Governance, Cost Management, Finance & Investment, Financial Markets and Institution, Capital Budgeting, Capital Market, Credit Risk Modelling and Management, Financial Engineering, Foreign Exchange Markets, Law and Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mutual Funds Management, Portfolio Management, Regulations of Financial Markets, Venture Capital, Accounting and Finance, Behavioral Accounting and Finance, Electronic Banking, Electronic Finance, Financial Markets and Derivatives, Financial Services Management.
E. Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Approaches and Models of Strategic Management, Challenges to Strategic Management, Corporate Strategy Formulation Approaches, SWOT Analysis and Carrying Out Business Strategy, Types of Business Competitive Strategy, Types of Cooperative Strategy, Situational Analysis for Strategic Planning, Problems of Global Strategy, Problems in Implementing Growth and Retrenchment Strategies, Relationship of Management by Objectives and Strategic Management, Relationship of Total Quality Management and Strategic Issues, Leadership and Leading Types for Effective Strategy Formulation and Implementation, International Strategic Performance Measurement, Strategic Issues in Managing Technology and Innovation, Categories of Innovation for Proper Strategy Formulation, Role of the Entrepreneur as Strategist, Operations and Supply Chain Strategy.
F. Green Business
Business Ethics, Consumer Protection, Environmental Protection, Green logistics
G. Economic Education
Responsibilities of the Editor and Executive Editorial Board of The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship
The editor and the executive editorial board of The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship are responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published. In making these decisions, they are guided by the policies of the journal and by legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism; providing guidance to guest editors, authors and reviewers on everything that is expected of them and also a description of peer review processes; providing new editorial board members with guidelines on everything that is expected of them and keeping existing members updated on new policies and developments; evaluating manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic and intellectual merit, without regard to the author(s)’ race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic origin, religious belief, citizenship, political orientation or social class; ensuring a fair and unbiased double-blind peer review of the manuscripts and that all information related to them is kept confidential. They also ensure that both authors’ and peer reviewers’ identities are protected;
ensuring that appropriate reviewers are selected; developing and maintaining a database of suitable reviewers and updating it on the basis of reviewer performance; ensuring that unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript are not used in an editor’s own research without the express written consent of the author; taking reasonable responsive measures when ethical complaints are presented concerning a submitted or published manuscript.
Guest Editors’ Responsibilities
Guest editors are responsible for defining the subject matter and role of every article in a thematic issue; providing clear guidelines to authors regarding the topic and boundaries of their contributions and the overall design of the issue; ensuring, in collaboration with the executive editorial board, that appropriate reviewers are selected for all the articles (whether they have been commissioned or submitted as a result of a call for papers); establishing a timeline for draft paper submission, peer review, revision and final paper submission with the executive editorial board, and ensuring that all deadlines are met; writing the Introduction to the issue.
The editor and the executive editorial board of The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship are responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published. In making these decisions, they are guided by the policies of the journal and by legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism; providing guidance to guest editors, authors and reviewers on everything that is expected of them and also a description of peer review processes; providing new editorial board members with guidelines on everything that is expected of them and keeping existing members updated on new policies and developments; evaluating manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic and intellectual merit, without regard to the author(s)’ race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic origin, religious belief, citizenship, political orientation or social class; ensuring a fair and unbiased double-blind peer review of the manuscripts and that all information related to them is kept confidential. They also ensure that both authors’ and peer reviewers’ identities are protected; ensuring that appropriate reviewers are selected; developing and maintaining a database of suitable reviewers and updating it on the basis of reviewer performance; ensuring that unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript are not used in an editor’s own research without the express written consent of the author; taking reasonable responsive measures when ethical complaints are presented concerning a submitted or published manuscript. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project should be acknowledged or listed as contributors; The corresponding author with the journal should ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included in the author list of the manuscript, and that there is a full consensus of all co-authors in approving the final version of the paper and its submission for publication; Authors should disclose financial or other conflict of interest that might influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support should be disclosed; When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editors and cooperate with them to retract or correct the manuscript.
Reviewers’ Responsibilities
Peer review assists the editor and executive editorial board of The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship in making editorial decisions and, through the editorial communication with the author, may also assist the author in improving the manuscript; Any invited referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its timely review will be impossible should immediately notify the editor so that alternative reviewers can be contacted; Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents; Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage; Reviewers must report to the editor of The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s part; Reviews should be conducted objectively, and observations should be formulated clearly with supporting arguments, so that authors can use them for improving the paper; Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on content without regard to the authors’ race, age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, citizenship, political orientation or social class; Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.
Publisher’s Responsibilities
As publisher of The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship, provides practical support to the editor and executive editorial board of The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship so that they can follow the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal; ensures the autonomy of editorial decisions; protects intellectual property and copyright; ensures that good practice is maintained to the standards defined above.
Keynote Speakers
Venue and Activities
Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.269-275, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
Contact the Hotel:
Tel. +62-22-82000000
Important Dates
• Deadline of abstract submission : 29 May 2019 (extend until 15 June 2019)
‘• Information of abstract acceptance : 31 May 2019 (extend until 17 June 2019)
• Deadline for paper submission : 17 June 2019 (extend until 19 June 2019)
• Information of full paper acceptance : 17 June 2019 (extend until 22 June 2019)
• Deadline for payment : 10 June 2019 (extend until 23 June 2019)
• Conference day : 8 August 2019
Call for Papers
Authors are requested to submit abstract to the Organizing Committee by 29 May 2019. The papers should be written in English and must be between 4 to 5 pages.
Indexed by: ![]() ![]() |
Abstract and Manuscript Submission
[IMPORTANT] To submit an abstract, authors must register first (click here). Then they can submit their abstracts by logging in to this site (menu “Submission System” then “Login”). The manuscript (full paper) can be submitted only after authors submit their abstracts. The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and Letter of Invitation (LoI) can be downloaded directly from your account once your abstract is accepted to be presented at the conference.
Full Paper Guidelines
The Proceedings of Previous Conference
Registration Fee and Payment
[IMPORTANT] After making the payment, author MUST upload the transfer proof via this website (NOT Email). Author can upload by logging in to our submission system. Payment receipt can be downloaded directly from your account once your payment is confirmed by the committee.
Please do transfer bank for the registration fee to:
IDR -> Bank Name: Bank Mandiri | SWIFT/BIC: BMRIIDJA
Account Number: 130 00-8660000-7
USD -> Bank Name: Bank Mandiri | SWIFT/BIC: BMRIIDJA
Account Number: 130-00-8770000-4
“Write: (your name) and (code article)” example: “Asriyadi ABS 001”
Visa Information
Official Information about Indonesia Visa can be found here
See here for more information about hotels in Bandung
International Scientific Committee
- Prof. Toru Matsumoto, M.Eng – The University of Kitakyushu- Japan
- ASSOC. Prof. Ts Dr. Razali Hassan – Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) – Malaysia
- Prof. Dr. Ikuro Yamamoto (Kinjo Gakuin University, Nagoya Japan)
- Prof. Dr. Taehee Kim, Ph.D ( Youngsan University , Busan South Korea)
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim, (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia)
- Prof. Madya Dr. Lai Chee Sern (UTHM Johor bahru Malaysia)
- Prof. Madya Dr. Kahirol Bin Mohd Salleh (UTHM Johor bahru Malaysia)
- Prof. Wann-Yih Wu (Universitas Nanhua Taiwan).
- Prof. Dr. Nanang Fattah, M.Pd. ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Agus Rahayu, M.P. ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Tjutju Yuniarsih, S.E., MPd ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Disman, M.S. (UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Suryana, M.S. ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Eeng Ahman, M.S. ( UPI, Indonesia)
- Prof. DR. Ratih Hurriyati, M.P. (UPI, Indonesia )
- Prof. Ina Primiana, S.E., M.T. (UNPAD)
- Prof Lincoln Arsyad, M.Ec, PhD (UGM)
- Prof. Gunawan Sumodiningrat, M.Ec, PhD (UGM)
- Prof Dr Badri Munir Sukoco , Msc, PhD (UNAIR)
- Prof. Dr. H. Nandan Limakrishna , Ir, MM (Universitas Winaya Mukti)
- Dr. Phil Dadang Kurnia, M.Sc. (GIZ German)
- Assoc.Prof. Arry Akhmad Arman, M.T., Dr. (ITB)
- Assoc.Prof. Dwilarso, MBA, PhD (ITB)
- Assoc.Prof. Hardianto Iristiadi MSME, PhD (ITB)
- Assoc.Prof. Rachmawaty Wangsaputra, M.Sc, PhD (ITB)
- Assoc.Prof. Teungku Ezni Balkiah, M.Sc, PhD (UI)
- Assoc.Prof. Ruslan Priyadi M.Sc, PhD (UI)
- Assoc.Prof. Sri Gunawan, MBA, DBA ( UNAIR)
- Assoc.Prof. Yudi Aziz, M.T., PhD (UNPAD)
- Assoc.Prof. Lili Adiwibowo, M.M., DR. (UPI)
- Assoc.Prof. Vanessa Gaffar, MBA, DR. (UPI)
- Assoc.Prof. Chaerul Furqon, M.M., DR. (UPI)
- Vina Andriany M.Ed, PhD (UPI)
- Tutin Ariyanti, S.T., M.T., PhD ( UPI)
Organizing Committee
Undergraduate Business Education and Postgraduates of Business Management dan Doctorate Science Management Program of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, in collaboration with APMMI (Asosiasi Pengelola Magister Manajemen Indonesia), APDMI (Asosiassi Program Doktor Manajemen Indonesia) FMI (Forum Manajemen Indonesia) dan ISEI (Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia) Chapter UPI
Conference Chair:
Prof.Dr. Ratih Hurriyati MP, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, INDONESIA
Technical Chairperson:
Assoc. Prof. Lili Adiwibowo Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, INDONESIA
Dr. Hari Mulyadi M.Si.
Dr. Ade Gafar Abdullah, M.Si.
Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu Nandiyanto M.Sc.
Drs. Rd Dian H Utama, M.si.
Drs. Girang Razati, M.si.
Lisnawati S.Pd. MM.
Sulastri S.Pd, Mstat.
MasHaryono S.Pd, MM.
Lisnawati, S.Pd, MM
Website: bme.conference.upi.edu/2019/
Email: gcbme@upi.edu
Business Management Education Program
Faculty of Business and Economics Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung 40154 INDONESIA
Tlp/Faks +62-22-2200-7634